Workshop MSG UV
«WORKSHOP Massive Stars Group Universidad de Valparaíso, Jan 24, 2025»
The group of massive stars at UV is composed of IFA professors, external collaborators, graduate researchers, and undergraduate/postgraduate students.
POEMS Conference: Physics of Extreme Massive Stars
«POEMS International Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jun 24- 28, 2024»
The goal of the Physics of Extreme Massive Stars conference is to bring together scientists working in a range of subjects related to massive star research. It is the final conference of the European funded POEMS collaboration. It will address the processes that trigger mass loss in massive stars during extreme phases of their evolution, the study of the environments of massive stars on small and large scales and their binarity. During the past decade new cutting-edge numerical codes have been developed and used to compute grids of models describing the chemical and dynamical evolution of stars and their winds. At the same time, an avalanche of new data from different observatories using a diversity of observational techniques (both from satellite missions and from ground-based facilities) has been provided to the astronomical community leading to ground-breaking discoveries.

XVII Reunión Regional Latinoamericana de la UAI
«XVII Reunión Regional Latinoamericana, Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov 27- Dec 01, 2023»
(SPANISH) Esta reunión va dirigida a astrónomos profesionales, estudiantes de Maestría y Doctorado, así como a estudiantes de licenciatura que comienzan una carrera de investigación en Astronomía. La XVII RRLA brindará una interesante oportunidad para la discusión científica y fomentar la colaboración entre astrónomos de toda Latinoamérica.

XVII Reunión Regional Latinoamericana de la UAI
«XVII Reunión Regional Latinoamericana, Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov 27- Dec 01, 2023»
(SPANISH) Esta reunión va dirigida a astrónomos profesionales, estudiantes de Maestría y Doctorado, así como a estudiantes de licenciatura que comienzan una carrera de investigación en Astronomía. La XVII RRLA brindará una interesante oportunidad para la discusión científica y fomentar la colaboración entre astrónomos de toda Latinoamérica.

International Summer School: Stellar Winds and Outflows
«Stellar Winds and Outflows, Harrachov, Czech Republic, Sep 3-15, 2023»
This international school is organized by the POEMS international project, which most Massive Star members are part of. These two weeks of school will be composed of lectures and hands-on sessions. One professor, Dr. Michel Curé, and three PhD students from the Massive Star group are participating: Natalia Machuca, Gonzalo Aravena, and Daniela Turis. On the other hand, other UV members are also attending: Dr. Alejandra Christen and PhD student Gunther Avila.
Workshop MSG UV
«WORKSHOP Massive Stars Group Universidad de Valparaíso, Jan 5, 2022»
The group of massive stars at UV is composed by IFA’s professors, external collaborators, graduate researchers and undergraduate/postgraduate students. After the pandemic situation, this is the first in-person meeting of the whole UV group.